Thursday, September 25, 2008

Saving the Hest for Last

It turns out that this WHOLE THING started out because of my fascination with the Bard class in Dungeons & Dragons. I'm also criminally obsessed with puns so thus we now have Cherry Hested, the barded lady. Solomon's not really all that into playing RPGs but he's got a subversive streak a mile wide. Cherry is supposed to be incredibly charismatic... much so that you don't even notice the beard.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bring it On III: The Drow Chick

And the self-indulgence continues. You have to understand, this is hilarious fun while we're coming up with it but in looking at it as a strip one can miss half the stuff we were laughing about. For example, we thought it would be hilarious to have a character in this MMORPG based on American Pie that was the cheerleader character but gothy and emo like her creator, Judith. After laughing about the possibilities, I decided to go on to Google and see if "drow cheerleader" returned any hits. As it turns out, we're not that original.

Any way you slice it, the Maddie Webbers out there are going to out-do us in terms of character development but at least we've got a ditzy rogue in go-go boots. Now you see why "flexibilty" was an attribute on the Beefwind character sheet...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Flop Secret

I love putting in silly movie references and in this thread of comics about the explosion in the MMO market, I'm going to be sneaking in a bunch. In this one, if you pay attention to the heraldric symbol on Beefwind's chest armor, you may notice something odd about the cow, something that reminds you a little of an old Val Kilmer movie perhaps...

Anyhoo, this is the series in which we force you to watch us have fun with character creation in a completely fabricated RPG which is essentially an unholy union between Dungeons and Dragons and American Pie (with a lot of other crap tossed in the parody salad). Bear with us as we delve deeper into that hidden realm of nerdity: the RPG Character Sheet...