Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bulwer-Lyttony of puns

So I'm clearly very attracted to terrible puns. I wouldn't call it an "unhealthy" preoccupation because I'm not so sure there is the counterpart "healthy" preoccupation. This contest, in case you've never heard of it, is all about writing the most awful opening sentence to an imaginary novel.

Here's the website.
One of the things I like best about their judging of the contest is their habit of splitting the entries into categories such as "Purple Prose", "Romance", "Westerns", "Sci-Fi", and "Vile Puns", just to name a few. This helps me locate the entries most likely to make me laugh embarrassingly out loud.

In completely different news, you may notice that this strip has a gmail address associated with it that is different from this blogger account's address. Well, you've stumbled across the not-so-secret project I'm working on: a WEBCOMIC! Yes, that's right, I'm making a first attempt into building a webcomic. I'm hoping to have a good amount of strips prepared before actually launching the site. I haven't even bought a domain or hosting yet. These are all things I hope to do soon though and for now you'll just have to speculate as to the rest of the details. As I experiment with things like font-size, art styles, and line quality, I'll post the comics here for your viewing pleasure.

Characters, plotlines, artwork and other information should be coming soon, especially once I have the site up and the blog moved to that site from here. I'll maintain this as a sketch-blog for materials that don't really work well with the comic (at least according to my plan anyway). Check back at least every week for updates!

1 comment:

Dan Carpenter said...

"Wick in the brawl"