Thursday, August 28, 2008

Try a Little Renderness

So we're definitely not the first folks to comment on the issue of over-rendered anatomy with a limited polygon budget but that doesn't stop it from being funny. The fact that Gamebryo is currently being used as the engine for Warhammer Online doesn't mean that some truly ancient build out there wouldn't be licensed for a lower-budget MMO.

If you're not into the whole Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game genre, the more generic MMO (minus the RPG) concept is being deployed on a massive scale across intellectual properties that don't necessarily warrant it. Hello Kitty has one for Heaven's sake. Once Blizzard proved you can basically take a built-in audience and print money with a subscription model and regular updates to an elaborate chat program, well I guess everyone figured it was time to jump on that digital bandwagon. God help us all if the makers of American Pie actually tried this...

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