Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Baconatrix

This week's image isn't so much a strip as it is just a completely silly painting. This is the Baconatrix, the nightmare fantasy of vegetarian males everywhere. With her two demon steeds, "Cat Pig" and "Deviled Ham", she sews a unique brand of emo-laced burlesque/goth/ballerina Halloween mayhem in costume parties around the season's hipster parties throughout all the trendy neighborhoods.

I have no idea where this came from, honestly. It was just going to be a silly picture exercise and I started liking it more and more so it evolved into a full project. The original image was made at 72 dpi and about 2000 pixels tall so it will likely never see print but oh well. The pet pigs really make it for me I think. It is the contrast they have from her lanky frame probably. Anyhoo, as I said, no punchline or pun, or anything like that this week, just me goofing around with the joy of sketching a silly idea.


Gregory Pavy Davis said...

Russ where's the new cartoon man, its been over a week. The masses are waiting ..:)

2x2 said...

Sorry Greg the Great Pavy. You and the other 3 or so readers deserve better! So it shall be done!