Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Brewfest, Warcrafters...

Apologies to people who do not play World of Warcraft, this week may seem a little... ...odd; even for me. We had another 2x2 strip written up and even roughly drawn out on the dry erase board but I was asked at 2:30pm today to hold off on doing it tonight without explanation.

In the game of WoW, there are seasonal silly events and one of my favorites is the Brewfest event which coincides roughly with Oktoberfest. There are beer-related activities, a special boss with unique gear that drops including a mole-machine teleporter. The whole thing is just goofy fun and I got a chuckle out of picturing a drunk orc stumbling out of Orgrimmar and hitting on the first green living thing he saw. Too bad Durotar is dotted with so many cacti. On the other hand, a cactus probably has smoother legs than a female orc...

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