Thursday, September 17, 2009

2x2 Comic (about being a dude)

Sometimes it isn't so much "selective hearing" because the male mind doesn't actually key in on what it hears. Sometimes it is more about selective attention. Attention shifts from what's being said to what's being communicated and the result is written all over my face. This strip wasn't based on a specific actual conversation the way the previous 2 were, but more an extension how many conversations have gone. My mind doesn't always go to nudity but my face definitely says "I'm somewhere else right now, please leave a message."

On a side note, yes, her helmet is really large compared to her body and the image Michelle was originally trying to bring up as a strip idea is not far from reality. Without the riding jacket on with all its body armor, her helmet makes her look like a bobblehead.


Chris Trevino said...

metroid porn?

Meliski said...

hahaha! This is hilarious!
I like your new idea of just drawing about real married nerd life. for those of us who don't know anything about nerd life, it's entertaining AND informative!

Meliski said...
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Meliski said...
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2x2 said...

I'm only posting all 4 of your comments (you know, calling you out) because 1) you have your own blog so you should know how this works, and 2) you went ahead and asked me not to so OF COURSE I have to :P

"WOW! Okay, so i just figured out that you were actually getting my comments but you have to approve them first. i don't care which one you post, just please only post one! Lol"